phySics its Fun

Senin, 03 Mei 2010

lesson Physic VII

Heat is energy.

Heat is the total amount of energy possessed by the molecules in a piece of matter. This energy is both kinetic energy and potential energy.

When heat, (i. e., energy), goes into a substance one of two things can happen:

1. The substance can experience a raise in temperature. That is, the heat can be used to speed up the molecules of the substance. Since Kelvin temperature is directly proportional to the average kinetic energy of molecules in a substance, an factor increase in temperature causes an equal factor increase in the average kinetic energy of the molecules. And if the kinetic energy of the molecules increase, the speed of the molecules will increase, although these increases are not directly proportional. The kinetic energy of a body is proportional to the square of the speed of the body.

2. The substance can change state. For example, if the substance is ice, it can melt into water. Perhaps surprisingly, this change does not cause a raise in temperature. The moment before melting the average kinetic energy of the ice molecules is the same as the average kinetic energy of the water molecules a moment after melting. Although heat is absorbed by this change of state, the absorbed energy is not used to speed up the molecules. The energy is used to change the bonding between the molecules. Changing the manner in which the molecules bond to one another constitutes a change in potential energy. Heat comes in and there is an increase in the potential energy of the molecules. Their kinetic energy remains unchanged.

So, when heat comes into a substance, energy comes into a substance. That energy can be used to increase the kinetic energy of the molecules, which would cause an increase in temperature. Or that heat could be used to increase the potential energy of the molecules causing a change in state that is not accompanied by an increase in temperature.


Q = M . C. AT

Q= M.L

Q= M.U

Read This..!!!

Semakin besar “Mengapa” Anda akan semakin besar energi yang mendorong Anda untuk meraih sukses.

Mimpi tidak hanya membantu Anda berhadapan dengan kegagalan, tetapi mereka juga memotivasi Anda secara konstan.

Mimpi masa kini adalah kenyataan hari esok.

Anda bisa, jika Anda berpikir bisa, selama akal mengatakan bisa. Batasan apakah sesuatu masuk akal atau tidak, kita lihat saja orang lain, jika orang lain telah melakukannya atau telah mencapai impiannya, maka impian tersebut adalah masuk akal.

Menuliskan tujuan akan sangat membantu dalam menjaga alasan melakukan sesuatu.

Apakah kita bisa untuk mengemban misi kita? Insya Allah kita bisa, karena Allah Mahatahu, Allah tahu sampai dimana potensi dan kemampuan kita. Jika kita tidak merasa mampu berarti kita belum benar-benar mengoptimalkan potensi kita.

Jika target obsesi itu baik, maka memiliki obsesi bukan hanya baik, tetapi harus. Karena motivasi dari sebuah obsesi sangat kuat.

Untuk menjadi sukses, Anda harus memutuskan dengan tepat apa yang Anda inginkan, tuliskan dan kemudian buatlah sebuah rencana untuk mencapainya.
